Monday, June 07, 2004

googoo eyes

good grief, I need to take a break from looking at fonts (not for me)!

You know how ideally, one shouldn't use the same font that you use in a logo/title on the rest of the site, yes? But you still need some congruity between them.

So this is the font that I've been straining my eyeballs over, looking for just the right font for the rest of the site.

I think I have it narrowed down to Tarzana or... hmm, which other one was I thinkin' of?? pooey. Maybe I should just quit for the nite... ya, maybe so.

Tomorrow I go for my royal spa treatment! No, I didn't go last time -- I cancelled -- timing was off. But I am definitely ready for it tomorrow. yay.

Ok, let's see if posting this will reveal anymore comments. If so, I think I'll nix the blogger comments and hook up with Haloscan. I know that Mumsy's comments post so fast! I like that.

Alritey, c'yall later.