Everything went fine n'dandy today. I am now a colonoscopy veteran. One minute I was asking the nurse if I'd feel it when they started, and the next minute I was saying, "You're all done??" The magic of conscious sedation (versed and demerol!). And I'm clean as a baby's colon. whoopee.
I'm a wee bit woozie yet, but other than feeling like taking a nap, which I can't 'cos I save lives tomorrow, I feel like doing some work as well - so that's good.
So what's with the oldie hippie pic here? I'm still feeling the love from seeing the Woodstock movie last week, and have been perusing stuff from that era on eBay, most notably Peter Max stuff... and Woodstock t-shirts. Pricey little things. I still have this shirt that I bought, mmm... 20 years or so ago. And it's still as vibrant as the day I bought it.
There are some plasic, blow-up Peter Max pillows on eBay too. I had the "Love" one, but managed to melt a hole in it when I had a brilliant idea that almost set my bedroom on fire.
Anyone remember the scent "Taboo?" It used to come in a stick - kind of like a solid, roll-on deoderant stick - it was icy and smooth, and you could just rub it on your bod to smell good. For some reason, I had an idea that if I lit a match to it, it would burn kind of like incense... or something.
Well, when I put the flame to it, the entire stick lit up like a big ol' fireball, and I screamed and flung it into the air (in my bedroom) and it landed on my bed, and yup, on the plastic Peter Max pillow - *boom* - pop goes the pillow, and if I remember correctly, it burned a hole in my bedspread as well. Not exactly sure how I put the fire out, but that was the extent of the damage.
Did my room smell good then? umm, don't remember. But I did stick to incense after that.
So, back to the hippie pic of me - more about it here - but I've been entertaining the idea of doing little flashback stories, kind of like Mumsy does on occasion. You guys have probably heard a good handful of them already... we'll see.
Finally, the BIG GIG begins tomorrow. More entertainment than you know what to do with! Pretty cool stuff...
Alritey, going to go and light a perfume stick... or something.
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