Wednesday, July 07, 2004

food, smoking, and work

Lawdy lawdy... all of a sudden I have too much to do. Not too terribly overwhelming 'cos it's all good stuff for the most part, but it just sort of happened, ya know?

I even made a decent meal tonite believe it or not. Seems as though I'm getting worse and worse when it comes to cooking. For myself, I don't seem to be eating much besides yogurt and beef jerky... and more yogurt and more beef jerky. And popsicles, although even that's tapered off. If anything, I'll have a couple just to do something other than smoke cigarettes. geesh.

I'm watching (again) "Obesity in America" on Discovery Health, and I am reminded how grateful and blessed I am to have had my surgery. I try to remember sometimes how uncomfortable I was, and all of the things that have changed because of getting healthy again, and it really is a miracle. Well, miracle of modern medicine that is, as well as having the fortitude to continue the process - to eat the right things and to exercise, keeping up my end of the deal, ya know? mm-mm-mm... thank you thank you.

Anyway. Feeling damn good. And now I need to keep on workin. funfunfun.