Thursday, July 01, 2004

the head

Having a scattered day today. Make a pot o' coffee, work on stuff, drink 16 oz. of water and check email n' stuff... wander around, feel fat(ter) tummy and drink a bunch o' water again. Tell myself I'd better get serious, make another pot o' coffee, and do some more work. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.

Then I was thinking how I'm saving lives in "the head" tomorrow and Saturday. Used to be a very "coma-esque" sort of ICU (the head being the Neuro ICU) years ago. When I worked nite shift way back when, we used to throw back the curtains that separated the patient's beds (if the patients were all in comas and unaware), and it always made me think of the movie Coma, where the scenerio was pretty similar to that.

We did pretty crazy things on morning rounds as well. Always something to perk up the residents... one of the best things was to put *poop* on the table next to the chart at the foot of the patient's bed, so that when they came to round on that patient, they were grossed out. The perfect poop mix was to take Metamucil and mix it with some coffee - instant and very realistic poopie. Smear it on a towel, and slap it on that table - worked every time.

That unit just ain't what it used to be, but then neither are we really. Don't care to work up there, but we all have to take our turns. Head injuries and spine injured patients aren't my fav. Oh well. It's been one of the busiest units lately, so maybe it'll go fast, hmm?