Just waiting for my afternoon pot o' coffee to brew... breaktime.
Know what? Something that I always think of, but I forget to bring up here. I'd like to hear if anyone else has heard or experienced this - 'specially you doggie lovers.
My little girl Lucy, is a real baby. Seriously. In act, word and deed. I've never had a dog like her.
Anyway, at nite when I go to bed, she's already down there 'cos she goes to bed with daddy earlier, k? Well, she's a momma's girl for the most part, and gets so excited when I come to bed, and immediately makes a beeline under the covers and down to my feet. She licks and licks and licks - she's so happy. Then she makes a circle, snuggles up against the curve of my legs, and very rhythmically licks in one spot... kind of slow and deliberate. And the way she does it, it almost feels like she's sucking, or simulating sucking. Then she sighs, and settles down to sleep.
Now, I know cats do the "kitty stomp" with their paws when they're feeling mellow, but I've never had a dog do that. Not that Lucy does anything with her paws, but I really think that she's reverting back to some childhood memories when she fed from her doggy-mommy when she "sucks" like that... you think?
Whatever she's doing, it's a very secure and loving feeling - for me too! I love my Lucy girl.
Okee doke, carry on. Break's over.
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