Just waiting to pick up mumsy from the grocery store...
I have so many things running around in my head right now, I don't know where to begin! See? too many options and I run around like a chicken etc.
I'm thinking that I am dedicating this weekend (well, just today 'cos we're going to the State Fair tomorrow) to getting FMG back up and running, or I don't know when I'll have the time.
One thing about waiting tho, has been the decrease in visitors to the site - or should I say, maybe the decrease in hotlinking... although somehow I doubt that, 'cos as I said before, some of those asswipe sites never update them, and my empty images will be on their sites forever.
I'm thinking of maybe reducing the graphic sets to thumbnails, and putting them in a "photo album like" layout. hmm... ya, I know, that takes away the fun of looking at the stuff in a way. shoot. I dunno. I know that personally, when a site has their stuff set up like that, I don't particulary care for it 'cos I like looking at the whole kit'n'kaboodle, ya know?
what to do, what to do...
Same with the kittykitty here. Do I want to change to Word Press? or any of the other programs? hell if I know. See, that's what I'm talking about - the things that are going thru my mind. Decisions. I'm terrible at making up my mind.
Hey, Jen is going to Hong Kong again next month. Lucky girlie. I'm proud of her.
Alrighty. Let me go back to figuring out what the hell I'm going to do. Add that to the 3 new client sites I need to come up with a design for, and I think my brain is going to explode - soon.
Have a great weekend all - have fun and be safe!