blah blah state of the union blah blah... sorry, I'm just not interested.
Have you ever taken the stairs in an office building (wherever there's a huge, long stairwell), and as you go down, you picture yourself falling? I hate that. Kind of like when you're driving, and as you approach a stoplight, you picture getting smashed by someone running the red light... I don't know why I think of those things.
Know what's funny? Browsing around (I'm done working for the day), I visited the Jonathan Levine Gallery, and as soon as I saw the photo on the about page, I knew it was the same guy from Tin Man Alley. How 'bout that. Big deal, ya I know.
Know what else that's kind of weird? I just noticed it - when I reached up to tuck my hair behind my left ear, it felt funny, like a little numb (my ear). What's up with that?
Ok then. A few linkolas...
Check out these boots and accessories! wowsa.
I love Daniel Peacock. I want all of these. Or some of these t-shirts... ok, ok. Back to reality.
awww... I like his work. Jon Izen. so cuute.
Erik Sandberg - very distinctive artwork. Different. I like.
Another very distinctive style of artwork - pcp gallery (no, not that pcp)
You know, I have soooo many more links in my bookmarks that I need to put up on ArtBeat Street, but I can't keep adding them like they are now. I guess I could add another page, but gee I wish I had started out with little images with the links, ya know? Like Glubibulga (don't you just say "glubba-glubba?" I do). They do an excellent job with the linkages. Like Annie-Bannanie too. But, it's too late for that. Can you imagine me going to all of the sites and grabbing an image for each site linkage? oy. I don't think so. hmm. So that's why I haven't updated it 'cos I don't know what to do. :(
Alrighty then. Need more water. Hey, speaking of Artbeat Street, I'm doing a gnu interview, yes indeedy. Stay tuned! Maybe I'll do that now, k?
later taters.