Have you seen what CafePress is starting now? Custom postage stamps! Real ones. I think that's pretty cool, especially for those extra special letters. Of course you wouldn't use them to pay your electric bill... but however you customize them would have to be pretty darn small, no?
I enjoyed doing the CafePress thing. Granted, my best customer was myself, and I usually made just enough in a month to pay for my premium shop... it was pretty time consuming though. And have you ever browsed the artist's stuff? There's quite a few well known artists that sell things - quite the bargain too when you think about what you'd pay for one of their prints or something.
Ack, forget it - why do I get these spurts of ideas all of the time? I'm pretty damned impulsive. Did you know that? (if you didn't, you haven't known me very long! ha) I guess the key is to not act on those thoughts, right?
hohum. OH, guess what? Trauma-mama today and not one teeny tiny trauma alert for me all day - wahooo! Happy day.
ok. Gonna do something now. Not sure what, I just hope I don't peepee the night away, ya know?