Greetings! Thought I’d peek in and say hey. What’s new in Kitty Land?
- I found a gray hair in my eyebrow
- My microwave is sounding more n’ more like there’s a truck backing up in my kitchen
- I finally learned to put the ice IN my tea glass before I fill the ice trays, then try to grab the ice with wet hands
- I’m actually getting up before 8 a.m.
- But I’m still going to bed late
- I have appointments and meetings up the ying-yang these days
- I’m also requiring a 5 shot Venti Americano (Espresso and hot water) lately to enjoy the flavor. And no, I don’t bounce off the walls.
And that’s about sums it up. Of course, still busy with the biz, which is ok. OH, and we don’t have to go get our taxes done tonite as originally planned. Big relief ‘cos I don’t have anything ready!
Took Mumsy and myself to the store. I have such a craving for a big ‘ol salad with the works. Thing is, salad stuff is kinda fluffy for my stomach/nutrition, but at least I’ll put some sunflower seeds and cheese in it and still get good protein, ya know?
Lastly, I bought a CD from Starbucks that I’ve been lookin’ at for awhile now, mainly for the Otis Redding song, “These Arms of Mine.” Love that song. I kept playing it over and over in the car, singin’ along. Made me feel really happy. Kinda sexy too. mmm…
So allow me to share it with you, k? Take a listen and cuddle up with your sweetie… tell ’em Kitty inspired you. ;)
“These Arms of Mine” (right-click to save… etc)
c’yall next time.
Thank you, KittyKitty!
Hmmm… Only one grey hair? I have quite a batch of grey (and white) if you need any for accent…
ha, thanks anyway Danman!
Kitty, you are so cute and truthful. You make me smile
First time to visit your site. Was atracted to it by These arms of mine. Really late aren,t I? Believe it,s from the sixtys. I love that song! No one to share it with however. The waitress-bartender I used to share blues music with no longer works there. I may ask her if I find her if she has heard it and likes it. Have a nice evening or whatever.
I’ve had the grey hairs in the eyebrow thing for a while now, and am pretty grey for someone of forty. I have no idea why as my parents weren’t this grey at my age. I’ve recently discovered bags of ice from the supermarket, which are handy for me as my limbs sometimes twitch which is awkward if you get halfway across the floor with an ice tray full of water!
You’re a hoot. Of the kind and sharing sort, Kitty Kitty BoBitty. Hope yer havin’ a mighty good week.