I didn’t even realize that there were “20 comments awaiting moderation” in here. Of course, if I came around once in awhile I’d notice, hmm? Nice of WP to do that though, isn’t it? Yes, they were all spam… except for one from mumsy… not sure where that came from.
ANYway. I had 3 calls this morning right before 8:00. One call from someone to tell me they’ll call me later (?!), and 2 biz calls. Don’t these people know I just went to bed at 3:00 a.m.? I am not in an office from 7-5, or whatever they think. I told the last person (actually I mumbo-jumbo’d something) about having to call her back. Good grief. I haven’t even had my first cuppa.
I know, big news, right? Actually, I just came by to loosen up my fingers, get the brain working and inject a little caffiene to get things circulating around up there.
Then I made the mistake (habit) of opening up my email and trying to make sense of a client’s edits to their site. *danger * danger* Do not change anything yet mizKittyKitty! (that’s me talking to me).
Simma-don-nah. Simma!
Ok, ‘nuther cup going in… almost there.
later taters.
Just sent you a letter. Disregard. (about the dates showing)
Anyway, just wanted to drop in and say Hello. Even though I just talked to you on the telefone 4 minutes ago. teehee
Blogrolling used to let me know when any of my links to bloggers had updated their stuff, but I haven’t seen them do that on my page for a very long time. Anybody know if this is the way it is now, or what’s happened to that feature????
Oh well, no big deal, right? Ri-i-i-ght.
Hug & Kissy,
You know how when you leave town, you have a neighbor pick up your paper and mail? Maybe you need to do the same with comments. :) Have a neighbor moderate when you’re away.
Good to know you are alive!
Oooh….I know you love rock…did you hear Aerosmith is out on tour now? A co-worker saw them at a warm-up gig and said they’re doing 99% of their hits. Talk about a fan-friggin-tastic show. Thought I’d share.
Hey Kitty, I spotted a “designer” using your linkwear as hers. I don’t know how often that happens but It sure upset me. Here is a link to the site I found it for download. https://www.moodswingcreations.com/Linkware.html
I hate top tattletale, but It chaps my ass!