Thought I’d take a break. I’m just so thrilled that I figured out a techie programming thing, because as we all know, that is not my forte! Sooo, in celebration of, I made some fresh iced tea and decided to say hey.
The other nite I went to my first Meet-Up – the Milwaukee Web Designer’s group. I’ve been a member for a couple of yrs and never went. Thought it was time. Plus, they met on a different nite than usual, so that was also one of the reasons I went. Pretty cool to actually talk to someone in person about web stuff. There’s really no one else that I can do that with, ya know?
Ever hear of BarCamp? That’s another thing I was contemplating attending… we shall see, although I doubt hubby would let me “sleep over.” ha.
What else was I going to tell you? umm… I’m not unmotivated and uninspired these days. yay. I’ve just been working really hard to finish 5 sites that have been sitting in various stages of completion for awhile now, with 2 more on deck. Workin’ like a dawg, but it feels good to knock’em off, slowly but surely.
I also need to interview 2 new arteests for ArtBeatStreet – they already said yes, now I just have to think of what I want to ask them… besides “Hey, paint me a big’ol pretty picture, k?”
Ok, break’s over. Nice to see youse guys.
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can’t wait to read the new interviews – best of the best on those sites and congrats on figgering out that program. weeeeee!
Nice to see you too :) I’ve been bad (well, not bad…you know busy-ish with life) and haven’t been reading all my blog friends pages lately. Just wanted to say hey—and I am thinking of you. Glad you are keeping busy. Wow 5 new websites! Can’t wait to see them all—chop chop! (jk)