The other nite when I got home from saving lives, I was like a wet noodle. Kept floppin’ out at the computer, which hubby detests… so from now on, per hubby’s instructions, I’m to sit on the couch first for a bit so that if I fall asleep, I won’t break my neck when it flops out of alignment at the pc desk. Ok. So last nite, slept for 4 hrs on the couch, then when I got up, I was ready to stay up. Unfortunately, that wasn’t conducive to getting up another 4 hrs later to save lives again.
Same thing tonite, only I’m done with the saving lives thing for awhile… so now after waking up after a 3 hour nap, I can stay up and feel normal. Besides, there was a Shirly Temple marathon all day, which I taped every single one of her movies – so I must watch at least one of them… think I’ll watch Heidi. I love that one.
I have to add, regarding the saving lives thing this weekend – we did save a life, or I should say, he’s on the upswing. Very very sick puppy who today managed to get off all of the life-sustaining meds (for the most part), and things look promising. When he coded the other day, the docs did an open chest heart massage right at the bedside. Yup, opened his chest cavity right down to the quivering heart, right there in front of all present to save him. Amazing stuff.
But anyway… tomorrow begins the banging and barking thing again. I’m seriously considering getting some tranquilizers from the vet for psycho dog… can dogs get addicted to them? I wonder….
Good idea (tranquilizers. Very *strong* knockout drops might work — maybe?
I certainly don’t mind dog-sitting during the day. We’ll talk about a “schedule”, OK?
Loved having your kid and hubbie come over…..and of course, The Most Important Visitor of All—-
The Rosie! Her I would baby-sit 24/7 . LOL
Love you muchly,
You Mama