But you already knew that, yes? Brett – Brett Favre. Isn’t he the greatest?
Actually, the main reason that I’m popping in is to share a really simple, but extremely useful little program. You may even know about it already, but I just found it.
If you’re anything like me and collect PS brushes, this opensource Brush Viewer is wonderful. How often are you working in PS and go to load some new brushes and can’t exactly remember which is which? or which one was that really cool brush with the swirly dealies… Anyway, the ABR Viewer can display any of the brushes – just open it up and browse your brushes. Of course, you still have to remember after you see them, but I spent a bit of time and organized my brush folders, so that helps. woowee. Excitement abounds!
And that’s about it for me… re-opened my little Cafe Press store. Mainly because I want to buy myself something – ha! That’s about the only thing it’s good for, ya know? And personalized Christmas gifts. But it’s fun. Gave me something non-work related to do for a change.
Okee doke, have a groovy week guys.
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