Un-fockin’ believable. Here I was, waiting and refreshing the Mark Ryden page where his little Rose pin was going on sale at 11:00 sharp (my time). BOOM! There it is, get it in my cart, OH NO, what’s my password?? Damn, had everything else ready – OH YA, ok, BOOM, go to check out. WTF?? SOLD freakin’ OUT? At 11:02? With 500 editions? I am in shock. Seriously. I mean, I know the stuff goes fast, like faster than a sonic boom, but that really blew my mind. Probably happened because #1. it was inexpensive. #2. you could buy 4 of ’em and #3., well, just because. geesh.
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KRAZEE! I’m not really so fond of his stuff. I like your Joe Sorren art better. I’m glad your back Kitty!!!!