Are you guys as obsessed as I am about downloading good freebies from the plethora of “free stuff” sites?
Sometimes I get so mad at myself ‘cos I can spend w-a-y too much time browsing and downloading things that I will probably never use for as long as I live!
Like tonite for example… I found a few new icon sets (like I really need more icons), and all of a sudden I was in download overload. *Danger Danger* (picture the kmart blue light special bulb flashing around my head and sirens blaring)… what the hell was I doing? I really didn’t care about downloading anything more… I was tired and crabby and debating whether I should go to bed early, but instead I was downloading the umpteenth hand drawn Facebook icon to a folder where I would probably forget which hand drawn icon I had placed in it. ugh.
Of course I dream of some day having a library-like Dewey Decimal System of all of my icons and downloaded vector files and Photoshop brushes and on and on… (that’s how Adobe Bridge should ideally be set up ya know), but until that day, I really must stop this obsession of mine. Or at least wait until I need something in particular. Right?
Speaking of Photoshop brushes, I had downloaded the AbrViewer awhile back, but I didn’t use it much… thought it was a bit clunky. But I just downloaded the AbrView, and I like it! Short & sweet and a lot cleaner than the other one. So I guess I did benefit from my little downloading spree tonite.
And just in case you feel like you’re missing out on all of these freebies I’m talking about, here’s a short list… with Smashing Mag being the big Mac-daddy of ’em all (I think they’re amazing!).
- (ya, I know, who doesn’t browse dafont?)
Remember, I warned you… can never just download one.
**OH, one other thing I wanted to mention about these sites… WHY-O-why do they all. look. the. same?? I mean seriously. Content on the left, chances are there’s a big link graphic first, above the post… then squares and squares of ads on the right. And of course even the ads are all the same. I honestly don’t get it. Am I missing something?
Hey Kitty, thanks! I didn’t know about hongkiat, so i’m looking forward to spending time there since i’m not the least bit sleepy. Here’s a few you might enjoy in return. Have a super schwangy weekend! (ok to use 4 clients) (ok to use for clients)
Cool… I haven’t seen the logo stuff.
Up late?