but I don’t.
That’s one of the joys of being self-employed and working from home. Don’t have to fix my hair, no make-up and I wear whatever I want. Although when I was still working at the hospital I wore scrubs, which some would say wasn’t exactly “getting dressed” either.
The other morning I was sitting outside on the patio, waking up with my first cuppa, when the neighbor walked by on her way to work. Waving a cheery good morning to her, I thought about how nice she looked and briefly—very briefly—kind of wished that I was going to work. For the most part, having to crawl out of bed to the annoying squeal of the alarm, stumble to the shower and go through the daily routine of getting to work by 6:00 am isn’t something that I really miss.
Then I started thinking… what if I got up, fixed my hair and got dressed in something that I wouldn’t be embarrassed to be seen in, all before I plunked myself down in front of my computer to begin my work day. Would it make me feel more energized? More ready to dig in to my projects right from the get-go? If you’ve ever worked from home, you know how important it is to be self-disciplined and resist the urge to check into Twitter & Facebook & a few of your fav blogs to see what’s up before you actually begin working. Although it’s generally not a problem for me to do so (I am so much better at this than I used to be!), maybe by “getting ready” the old way would make it easier. Granted, I could still have foggy mornings either way, whether it’s at a remote workplace or in my own home, thinking about it yesterday was entertaining. As a matter of fact, as I write this post, I realize how much I really do appreciate not having to physically “go to” work any longer. And come winter when I hear my neighbor scraping the ice off of her windshield in 0º weather on her way to work, I’m sure I’ll have a chuckle (guffaw) at the absurdity of even considering all of the above! Silly me.
I haven’t been here in so long but I’ve been a fan of yours for a little over a decade. I cannot tell you how happy I am that you’re doing this full time. I know I’m late but congrats! If anyone deserved success it’s you. You’re the reason why the web design/art bug bit me. I’m so happy for you! You deserve it and I wish you many many more years of continued success!
Hey Nikki,
Thanks for stopping by and for the lovely comment. Very cool.
Nice to hear from you Nikki, take care.