Since I’m on Facebook & Twitter these days and there’s this thing called the “Presidential Election” only a couple of weeks away, I felt the need to pop in here and talk. Mainly because I need a little longer space for it (that’s when I miss blogging).
As a rule, I don’t offer my political or religious opinions/beliefs in either of those platforms. I am not a debater or fond of arguing my points of view with people that I just know casually… actually, not with too many folks, and not even with family that have their own very strong opinions. And I don’t plan on really getting into those opinions now. What I don’t understand, is why people – reasonable human beings – cannot honestly entertain another person’s opinion even if completely opposite their own.
Are they really blind to other points about any subject that they’re in disagreement with? Of course I’m not talking about heinous crimes (although that may be up for discussion, somewhere), but primarily politics (I think it’s difficult, and wrong, to argue with someone else’s core, moral, religious beliefs).
Maybe I’m too “Pollyanna-ish” and always try to see something good in everything/everyone. I was a Hippie as a teenager, and would actually still be barefoot with a flower in my hair if I could… well, maybe not. But my point is that I still live by the “Peace n’ Love” creed… not so much the protester, although I was maced at a rally once & believed in the Chicago 7/8. Sadly Abbey Hoffman committed suicide and Jerry Rubin was hit by a car & died, both when in their 50s. I regress.
My husband & mother are NOT like that, whatsoever. Not to mention the two of them have totally opposite opinions – they are both right, so they claim, and canNOT have any reasonable discussions together so we definitely stay away from those topics!! Black & white, no middle ground. I am grey. I understand why someone might believe their way is the only way, because of course they read it from very authoritative sources. Ya, their own party resources.
I feel shy and sometimes I feel “bad” when I make a comment on someone’s FB page that doesn’t agree with their post. I don’t want to argue, so I usually don’t. No conflicts. But that’s a different issue I guess. Yes, I just want “all of us to get along.” And I can see this post could wander all over the place, in typical Kitty-talk I guess. I just wanted to make a statement that I DO see your point. I don’t necessarily agree with you, but I’m not going to insult you and think you’re a bad person. Oh sure, I may feel very strongly against your opinion, but that’s where I will keep it to myself… and probably wonder how you can even feel that way. But I will not compartmentalize your opinion and say “all of you” are that way.
Did I tell you that my license plate was “Peacnluv” before it was Ink2Art? Yup, it was. Soooo, bottom line, I just want to be happy online. No arguing. No politics. I really don’t want to know your political beliefs. Truthfully, much to my own surprise, it affects a little bit of my opinion of you… whether you agree or disagree with me. :)
As always, peace & love, xoxo ~Kitty
I agree, Kitty. I hate how otherwise normally sane and kind people become so hideously ugly and rude when others don’t see the world as they see it.
It’s also sad that with our current techno-savvy world we all forget COMMUNICATION is better done in person – face to face – and that words carry many different meanings, not just the ones we read into them.
love you, friend.
I know… I just don’t get it.
It was so nice to be away from Facebook for the last couple of months to train, so why I came back, I haven’t figured that out yet! Last night during the debate I had to look in on the FB world because I knew there would be some heated comments….I’ve left all political things out of the arena-not worth the hassle. I lost a few “friends” over the Walker recall stuff and whatever-I lost NO sleep. Jeff kept asking me last night what Jim was saying because I kept laughing at his comments! I understand, exactly, where you’re coming from living with a “strong-opinionated” spouse! Jeff’s pretty strong too………….LOL!
Nice post Kitty!
Politics as a whole touches so many individual subjects. So to disagree with one’s choice of candidate is to disagree with ones’s world views spanning a significant portion of life. People may not truly see it for this, but that is my belief about it. It is hard for people when they are hearing ” you hate everything I believe in” and not just “you like the other candidate better.” My 2 cents.
So true Faith… xo
Yaaaa, gotta love ’em Diana. :)
Hi Kitty,
I’m sorry this message has to be blunt, but I don’t have much time to go into a detail explanation.
You see, I was looking for another angel to help me and there’s not many of us around.
But I found your post and know exactly what you mean because I have those same emotions.
My friends once told me “Do you know what your greatest gift is?”
To which I replied “No”
Their response was “Everyone loves you!”
Anyway getting back to the point. I’ve been sent by you know, to help someone and I’m scared I’m going to fail, and then I’ll lose her, and she will be lost to herself. This person is too special to me.
I don’t know if you can help, but I’m running out of time and ideas.