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In exactly 5 days my baby girl will be *Mrs* Baby Girl! She sent me the notes for the ceremony as well as the schedule/itinerary for the rest of the week. So that makes it real. omg.
ha, I just discovered the little tally of spam that Askimet has saved me from… 94,139. ‘magine that!
I think I’m going to try a plugin for WP that posts my blog posts (such as they are) into Facebook. Actually, it would probably make more sense for me to do the opposite, ya know? OH, and the Mumster is back and kickin! yay.
A Place to Bark
Bernie contacted me years ago to do her web site – yes years – and she calls me every once in awhile to check in just to say “Pretty soon, pretty soon!” Thing is, she is always always too busy taking care of others – her furry kids.
Then there’s Suzi, SuziBlu. She makes me laugh.
ANYway, so Suzi & Bernie know each other and Suzi made a wonderful video for Bernie – for A Place to Bark. Yes, all this to show you the video. Soooo sweet. Check it out.
Seeing the world blend
C Merry has a way of transpiring one photograph into another and the results are not necessarily what you expect – very cool. What it isn’t is one of those Photoshop’d endings.
Hey, I didn’t wish you all a Happy New Year, did I? *Happy New Year!* A-n-d, scroll down a-l-l-l-l the way down to the bottom of this page————————->>>
Yup, it’s that ol’ “Quit Meter” (Lisa, this makes me think of you!). Doing it again and I believe that this is it. I have a different mind-set so far… kind of weird, like I must really want it this time. I’m not doing it because I have to; like when the hospital went smoke-free or before I had surgery. I really, really want to. Cool, huh?
I went from fan to friend… and the funny thing is that it just happened. Jack & Nataly rock!
** pssst – isn’t this cool? Mouseover the linkolas **
Can you tell that I love these guys?
The magic number
Today is my daughter dearest’s birthday (the last one according to her). 30 yrs old. My-o-my. And the bestest gift she received, next to her morning coffee cup, was an engagement ring. Yes! Jennie is engaged.
Hubby & I were privy to the event since Brian came over by himself last nite and asked Jim for his blessing & permission to marry Jennie. He asked Grampa too which I thought was so sweet. Very cool. (see photo from below)
Oy. Just started to watch the Biggest Loser finale (hey, I like it, what can I say), but these folks really shouldn’t come out waving their arms over their heads.
Ok, gotta go! xoxoxo