Maybe I’m behind the times, but have you guys seen this?
Destroy your site!
That is freakin’ cool. I used Rosie’s site to test it on, poor baby – I peed on her, puked on her, had her blown up and martians even attacked her. You gotta try it (don’t worry, you won’t really wreck your site).
Peace n’ Luv… n’ Joe Sorren
Hiya guys! I’ve been setting up a client site entirely in WP and now it feels funny to be the user… know what I mean?
Look what I did. Finally got one of my prints framed (see bigger) Man-o-man, only took me 4 yrs or so. geesh.
I’m probably going to hang it in the living room when we’re done remodeling it, except I don’t know if that’s too wise since I’m in here more than in there, but it’s pretty big. We shall see.
Speaking of Joe Sorren, have you seen his newest blog? I love seeing the progress of his painting, which he goes through here. Of course Lori’s been posting progress shots for quite awhile, right Lori?
And I know that I’ve talked about how watching “hippie-ish” shows gives me serious flashbacks, yes? Well, I was just watching Hippies on the History channel, and it still leaves me with such an… “awwww” & “oh to be there again” type o’ feeling. When in actuality, besides the fun, peace n’ love, I was pretty messed up in those days. Teen angst, generation gap… you know. But again, it made me sad when they showed Abby Hoffman & Jerry Rubin et al. Oh well, t’was the day.
Okay then. I think that’s it for now. I should upgrade this version of WP one of these days. I’m just kind of afraid I might lose stuff, ya know?
Alrighty, talk to you later!
Online Painting
Happy Saturday!
I just added a page here that contains a little paint thingie – check it out (up there on the menu bar “Paint”).
Neat, huh? (from Offtype) Well, not exactly sure what one would do with it, but sometimes the mindless act of swirling a brush around, even a virtual one, is relaxing, no?
I also don’t know what happened to the template on that page (the sidebar), so I opened it up in Firefox thinking I may see something that I didn’t in IE, and wow, didn’t realize how small my text size looks. Bummer. (yes, I still use IE primarily)
c’yall later.
Hi guys! I just want to show you something…
Furniture Sox
Isn’t that a great idea? Gotta get me some.
(yes, she’s my client… but she didn’t pay me to say that)
That’s all.
Super Bowl Bday
Wasn’t that one of the best Super Bowls you’ve ever seen? I thought it was quite entertaining. Commercials? Sure, there were a few cute/funny ones. I actually liked the first Dell one, where a sweet voice sang “Que Sera Sera” in the background… rather Applesque I thought.
This ad is actually the reason I’m popping in here this morning… to the Hollywood Screenwriters, (via The Skinny) from TCM. Ha, good one!
It was also hubby’s b-day, so we went to lunch in honor of the old man. If I remember correctly, it was the Moosie-man’s bday as well, am I correct ma’am? or thereabouts…
Hey, smoking/not smoking update. I’m doin’ it! Quit the Chantix about 2 weeks ago. Hung on as long as I could, but to the relief of the hubster, I stopped taking it. Had me in quite a gasseous state! I could handle that and the nausea, but when it started affecting my psyche, that was it. ick. Sooo, I struggled a bit after it left my nicotinic receptors, but now I’ll pop in a Commit lozenge when I feel the need. But man-o-man, I have been wheezing up a storm ever since I quit. What the hell?? Hopefully that will disappear once my lungs get used to filling up with air on a regular basis.
Ok then, must get to work. OH, I’m also going to bed by midnight every nite now, BUT, I’m getting up at the butt-crack of dawn instead. Whatever. Makes hubby happy to hit the hay together.
c’yall later. xoxo
I am just beside myself right now…. (well, of course I’m beside myself, who else is sitting on my chair with me?) Got the brats simmering in beer and oniONS as we speaketh….GO PACK GO!!