I don’t anticipate anyone visiting in the next… how ever many hours, but just in case, I’m doing some remodeling, k?
Did you know…
Have I mentioned that I spend my time primarily on Facebook these days? I’m sure I did. Didn’t want you to think that I have become totally incommunicado around town, ya know?
Stop by and say hey if you’re so inclined, k?
Checkin in
How are ya?
say bub.bye
I will not tolerate the ads… say bubbye blogrolling, it’s been fun. I can type in my own darn links thank you.
At one time I paid them for a “gold” acct. or something – I don’t have a problem paying/donating something to someone for thinking up ingenious programs or something that makes my life easier if I make use of it a lot, what the heck. Similar to paying someone for assembling my bicycle, or paying a titch more for boneless, skinless chicken breasts – makes my life easier. Which reminds me, hubby bought regular frozen veggies yesterday, as opposed to those “steamers” that you nuke in the bag… said it’s getting pretty bad when you can’t even boil water! I reminded him that the only reason I bought those baggie things is ‘cos they were 10-fer-$10… I didn’t think they were that good anyway. Nuking ’em sucked the plump out of ’em, ya know?
Hey, still *smoke-free* dudes! Playing wicked tricks on my body though… all of the nasty poisons besides the tobacco are still seeping around my pores & brain, trying to get out. And I’m fat. I know, I know, it’s all better than what cigs do to you. s’okay.
Alrighty, must wash makeup off of face. My eyes feel like I have suction cups sticking on them. Not used to this.
blogrolling n’ stuff
Interesting… and while I didn’t go directly to the apparently renewed blogrolling.com, their little top ad is new. I hope it’s not restricting my site, is it?
dang, do you know what I’m talking about?
It just occurred to me that I don’t know how to write any longer. I lost my blogging speak. Well, not that it flowed from my finger tips before, but it’s terribly awkward now…
hmm. But you know what? You can visit She Said Yes instead. ya, that’s it!
(nice to see you guys!)
I’m just here to say hi and talk really really fast.
Make sense? no, I know it doesn’t. Actually just cleaning spam and making that entry below go down more.