Seems like just yesterday (couldn’t think of anything clever-er) that I was feeling so incredibly mellow, sitting here in the very early summer a.m. – when the sky was that deep-but-bright-saturated-blue. You know, around 4:30-ish? and there’s like 1 bird chirping? Probaby the longest day of summer. Early sunrise and late sunset. Compared to today. 5:15 and it was still dark. I just now noticed there’s no birds chirping? What’s up with that? and it’s 6:45? well that’s weird.
Anyway. Makes me sad. So damn fast and summer is gone. Oh sure, I know that there are plenty of warm days left. But no more early dark blue mornings. But you know what made me quite happy after the sad thoughts? Of course after summer is fall, and then comes winter, and guess who does not have to slosh out in the freezing, 5 feet of snow-blizzard scrape-off-her-car and almost get-in-an-accident-driving-to-work-weather any longer??? *ME* mememememe! yippee. So that helped me to feel better.
One more thing. I fell prey to Facebook. Yup, sure did. And it’s all Krishanna’s fault. I really never paid attention to any of those “social networking” dealies, but I gotta tell ya, sure is addicting… at least for me it is. You know how you get in there and see one friend, which leads to 3 more and on and on… had to get out of there.
Ok, gotta go! ah, I hear a couple of birds now, but it really is kind of empty out there…