Un-fockin’ believable. Here I was, waiting and refreshing the Mark Ryden page where his little Rose pin was going on sale at 11:00 sharp (my time). BOOM! There it is, get it in my cart, OH NO, what’s my password?? Damn, had everything else ready – OH YA, ok, BOOM, go to check out. WTF?? SOLD freakin’ OUT? At 11:02? With 500 editions? I am in shock. Seriously. I mean, I know the stuff goes fast, like faster than a sonic boom, but that really blew my mind. Probably happened because #1. it was inexpensive. #2. you could buy 4 of ’em and #3., well, just because. geesh.
grrr, I could just spit! I inadvertently deleted all of my cookies last nite. Poop. Do you kow how many passwords I have to remember now?? Good grief, there are places that I’ve just been using the saved pw forever. Where the hell are all of those passwords? Oh sure, they’re probably in my notebook where there are oodles of pages with hastily scribbled combinations of various passwords from the last, ohhhh, 3 yrs or so.
Happy Saturday all. Really.
Have fun.
but I haven’t even had my 1st cup!
There is nothing that is as frustrating as waking up, pouring my 1st cup o’ coffee, and walking into my office and discovering that I am not receiving internet access. MF! Because I just love crawling on the floor and trying to hook and unhook cords that IÂ can’t even see! Not to mention getting dust up my nose.
Bottom line, I now have access, but hubby darling does not. It appears that my wireless router is at fault. wtf. He quickly exited to the door (after I snapped at him from under my desk) and is at the gym. I’ll worry about his connection later.
I have a feeling that a power surge zapped the router, although I tried hooking it all up again and then nothing worked – not even my mouse – so I had to shut the entire pc off with a kazillion programs open. MF.
Ok. Deeeeep breath. I am connected. I’m sure I didn’t lose anything that I was working on that I didn’t save, so I’m ok there (well, we shall soon find out).
Ok. I feel better now. More-or-less.
Have a good one!
endangered species my ass
Stiffer sentences for murderers whose victims are African-American.
“Black men are an endangered species,” said McGee. “You have to protect endangered species. There is no other ethnic group or person in the world than the black man in America who is losing their life at the rate we’re losing our lives.”
The article speaks for itself. I’m speechless.
Holy Spammers Batman!
I didn’t even realize that there were “20 comments awaiting moderation” in here. Of course, if I came around once in awhile I’d notice, hmm? Nice of WP to do that though, isn’t it? Yes, they were all spam… except for one from mumsy… not sure where that came from.
ANYway. I had 3 calls this morning right before 8:00. One call from someone to tell me they’ll call me later (?!), and 2 biz calls. Don’t these people know I just went to bed at 3:00 a.m.? I am not in an office from 7-5, or whatever they think. I told the last person (actually I mumbo-jumbo’d something) about having to call her back. Good grief. I haven’t even had my first cuppa.
I know, big news, right? Actually, I just came by to loosen up my fingers, get the brain working and inject a little caffiene to get things circulating around up there.
Then I made the mistake (habit) of opening up my email and trying to make sense of a client’s edits to their site. *danger * danger* Do not change anything yet mizKittyKitty! (that’s me talking to me).
Simma-don-nah. Simma!
Ok, ‘nuther cup going in… almost there.
later taters.