At the very least, I do validate the topsy turvy links on the linkola page of Art Beat Street once in awhile. Surprisingly not too many disappear. One site that was very disappointing to me was the Glubibulga (slap-press) site who greeted me with an odd sex/porn type o’ ad overlaw. Huh? I just revisited and it’s not there… maybe it’s a one time cookie thing, who knows.
I realize there’s a bazillion more artists and sites and collectives, but a few years ago I guess I just gave up. Especially when so many of the new sites have groovy thumbnails & such, ya know? I wouldn’t mind doing an interview on occasion, so I’m not ruling that out… in fact, I think I just had a little lite bulb appear above my head… hmm. We shall see. Maybe it’s just like that other idea I’ve been pondering…
I dunno, do you think the site is still useful? Even if a little antiquated?