Oh lordy! Where the heck am I?? Do you know how long it’s been since I was in WordPress?? VERY long! Let me just paste this video and see what happens, then we’ll talk, k?
Video, Tracy Chapman & Pavarotti
House 50 years later
Hi guys. I guess if I’m “back” that means I have to actually write something in here, yes?
I’ve been cleaning up, weeding out, things around our house. We’ve been here 30+ years and as you can imagine, or have the same thing goin’ on by you, it’s a daunting task! I’m currently going through old pics… tons and tons of photos, starting with what my Mom had. I think that has been the most difficult, ya know? What meant a lot to her, and that she saved, doesn’t mean the same to me, soooo, had to throw away. Sad. :(
Besides all of that, I came across a site that had my OLD childhood home photos on it – Zillow, Trulia – you know the sites. UNbelievable! It was a really weird feeling looking at the inside – at LEAST 50 years later!! oh my Lordy. What was the most fun though, was that a photo that was taken of my Mom & Gramma, with me in my Mom’s tummy, in 1954. The kitchen was new, house was built in 1953, and the recent pics I found are around 2010 – 2014? Hard to tell because there are no dates given.
Here are the photos I’m talking about…
The 2 empty pics are the “current” photos… So weird.
Okee doke, that’s all I got today kids. c’ya later,