There is nothing that is as frustrating as waking up, pouring my 1st cup o’ coffee, and walking into my office and discovering that I am not receiving internet access. MF! Because I just love crawling on the floor and trying to hook and unhook cords that IÂ can’t even see! Not to mention getting dust up my nose.
Bottom line, I now have access, but hubby darling does not. It appears that my wireless router is at fault. wtf. He quickly exited to the door (after I snapped at him from under my desk) and is at the gym. I’ll worry about his connection later.
I have a feeling that a power surge zapped the router, although I tried hooking it all up again and then nothing worked – not even my mouse – so I had to shut the entire pc off with a kazillion programs open. MF.
Ok. Deeeeep breath. I am connected. I’m sure I didn’t lose anything that I was working on that I didn’t save, so I’m ok there (well, we shall soon find out).
Ok. I feel better now. More-or-less.
Have a good one!