For my non-facebook friends – I became an official Gramma one week ago today!
Nola Grace, born 5-16.
Tabs vs Windows
So do you have a preference? Tabs vs windows? Is there a practical difference in using one over the other? I suppose I could try using tabs for awhile to see for myself but I’m currently just staying with the new window… just because.
I’m a bit antsy-pants tonite. Don’t feel like watching anything on t.v. that requires paying attention. Too late to continue working. I did get into downloading free tunes though for awhile.
One of my fav things to snack on is (still) popsicles. Edy’s sugar-free fruit pops are delish and they were 2 fer $5 at the store (normally $3.99 a piece!). So I bought a bunch and there was a coupon to download 10 songs for free from a site called PlayMe. Have you ever tried to think of 10 songs off the top of your head that you’d like to have but haven’t purchased? I knew there were some that I hadn’t bought yet… have heard them in the car or something, but never caught the name of the song. I’ll be darned but I was looking all over the site trying to find something that I liked to download. So I wound up getting some oldies-but-goodies… heck, I downloaded Ozzy’s Shot in the Dark, Alice Cooper – 18… ha, told you they were old. Then I finally gave up & figured I’d return when I knew what I wanted. But ya, not in the mood for much tonite.
I downloaded the newest version of Thesis for WP. Love that theme. Very customizable and from what I’ve seen so far, v.1.6 looks pretty nifty. I could play around with that for awhile I guess. Nah, requires brain use.
Put up a new set on FMG. Simple, but it was rather brain-free and actually quite relaxing. That was the idea. Felt good. In fact I noticed a couple of designs that I created and never uploaded. hmm… maybe I’ll put those together tonite. We shall see…
Anything else? OH, did I tell you that Jennie & Brian call the itty-baby-to-be Raisin? Baby Raisin . so cuuute.
Alrighty kids, later. xo
Halloween & Baby Bump!
I’m going to be a Grandma! *Gramma Kitty* (click to see pics)
Jennie-Cat costume… Jennie Baby Bump , and last but not least, Baby Quinn.