C Merry has a way of transpiring one photograph into another and the results are not necessarily what you expect – very cool. What it isn’t is one of those Photoshop’d endings.
Hey, I didn’t wish you all a Happy New Year, did I? *Happy New Year!* A-n-d, scroll down a-l-l-l-l the way down to the bottom of this page————————->>>
Yup, it’s that ol’ “Quit Meter” (Lisa, this makes me think of you!). Doing it again and I believe that this is it. I have a different mind-set so far… kind of weird, like I must really want it this time. I’m not doing it because I have to; like when the hospital went smoke-free or before I had surgery. I really, really want to. Cool, huh?
I went from fan to friend… and the funny thing is that it just happened. Jack & Nataly rock!